Lifestyle Marvel Ruins Scarlet Witch & WandaVision With Doctor Strange 2By zerfeshan arshadMay 6, 20220 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ruined Scarlet Witch’s WandaVision character arc. Back in 2015, Elizabeth Olsen discussed a Scarlet Witch character arc she…
Lifestyle Doctor Strange 2 Can Redeem X-Menâs Wasted Post-Credits SceneBy zerfeshan arshadMay 6, 20220 The home release of The Wolverine teased Logan’s classic costume from the comics, and it could finally receive its due payoff in Doctor…
Lifestyle Doctor Strange 2 Character Tease Massively Changes MCU Power LevelsBy zerfeshan arshadApril 29, 20220 Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness may debut a brand new Marvel character who can change the power levels…